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Mehrere Business-Personen gegehn durch ein modernes Bürogebäude. Mehrere Business-Personen gegehn durch ein modernes Bürogebäude.

Financial services perfectly organized!

360° view of customers with sellify for leasing companies

Successful financial service providers know more about their customers

The financial services market is highly competitive and under enormous pressure. Customers expect flexibility, individual support and fast decisions from a modern financial services provider. Customer relationship management in the corporate customer segment of financial service providers also has a significant influence on the credit process, as business initiation and credit decisions are very closely interlinked. In order to be able to do all this, employees from the front and back office must have all existing knowledge about prospects and customers quickly available across systems.

With sellify, you do not only organize your sales and track business initiations. Rather, sellify supports you like a good assistant, for example in the creation of correspondence and credit templates, as well as in the filing of e-mails and documents in the correct customer files. The documentation of conducted conversations with your contact persons and the reminder of appointments and resubmissions are also important aspects of your daily business. As a user, you are supported by the system in carrying out these activities in such a way that maintaining an electronic customer file and the flow of information in the credit process is no longer a tiresome chore. Information from other systems, such as contracts or creditworthiness information, is supplemented via interfaces, so that a 360° view of your business partners is possible in sellify.

  1. Contact management
    Store people and organizations centrally and make knowledge about them available to everyone

  2. Pipeline
    Document your customers' investments and never miss a sales opportunity again

  3. Dashboards
    Organize like a pro with interactive dashboards and keep the most important things in view

  4. sellifyReporting_Dunkelblau

    Be well informed at all times through individual reports and be perfectly prepared for every visit

Direct leasing, sales financing or both

sellify enables you to document the knowledge about your customers in a structured way and to make it available to all parties involved in a simple and transparent way. Master data, balance sheet information, responsible account managers and credit decision makers, contact persons, type of business relationship, industry affiliation and much more - every piece of information is given its place and is easy to find again. Whether you need quick information on the phone, use the data as variables in correspondence and forms, or for analyses and as an early warning indicator. You decide which information you need for your business, sellify provides you with the appropriate entry masks and functions for documentation and further processing.

Different views for different types of customers

Being able to access knowledge quickly and easily is an important success factor. However, if too much information is available, it quickly becomes confusing for the user. Therefore, sellify offers you the possibility to document information in special view areas depending on the type of business relationship. For example, a sales financing customer requires much more detailed information about the product portfolio than a direct leasing customer. Information on commission agreements as well as details on conditions and hedging are also only required if you are the customer's sales financing partner. You decide flexibly which information you want to collect and provide in which area - so that you never lose track of the big picture!

Understand customer structures and your business

Clear dashboards of your A, B, and C contacts and their distribution among new and existing customers help you target the right customers and prospects. Filter your customers according to any other criteria, such as "expiring contracts", "industries", "account managers" or "back office staff" and keep your business under control!


Keep focus on offers, expiring contracts and planned investments through individual dashboards

What is the known investment volume for this year? Where have offers already been sent out? And how many contracts are already in place? Under "My sellify" you have all the information you are looking for at your fingertips. Evaluate investments depending on your customer classifications and easily create forecasts based on the available data.

Analyze activities and identify neglected business partners at an early stage

Digitization and increasing competition have led to communication via a wide variety of channels often being initiated by the customer. This creates reaction-driven customer relationships in which you quickly lose sight of someone who doesn't get in touch themselves. But if it's only a lack of sales that alerts you to the fact that you've neglected an important customer, it's too late! sellify helps you organize your support activities and close your sales opportunities with resubmissions and clear dashboards. Get email reminders of tasks due from sellify and see at a glance how future pending activities are distributed across your customer groups or how many open quotes have no activity.

Also, find out what our customer abcfinance says about sellify:

Customer report abcfinance