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sellify powered by business//acts.

We at our best.

The company behind the software.

Being a creative and service oriented software company from Cologne, we from business//acts work every day under the highest pressure to provide you with your perfect sellify software experience. Since 2005 we distribute and develop software products as independent IT service company. Our dynamically growing team of business consultants, software developers and technical consultants advises and supports you in creating, implementing and advancing a tailor-made solution concept. In case of questions about our range of services or regarding commercial processing, our specialists in sales or administration have the answers you need.

The history of business//acts.



Today's business//acts GmbH is being found as BusinessActs Informations- und Datensysteme GmbH. It is the corporate goal, to develop tailor-made CRM solutions out of standard software by customizing and interfaces.


Expert for customer relations

As technology partner of the norwegian CRM-manufacturer SuperOffice, business//acts develops the software solution FormsDesigner on demand of a common customer. With this solution, individual customizations for and within SuperOffice can be implemented for the first time. FormsDesigner becomes the USP among the SuperOffice partners and serves as basis for numerous individual CRM solutions, at first on the groundwork of SuperOffice. As a result, the application and the possibilities extend. Originally having been developed exclusively for add ons or adjustments of surfaces and functions within SuperOffice, FormsDesigner complements little by little to become a development framework for Windows applications with interfaces to SuperOffice and any other database systems.


CRM customizing at its best

When it comes to tailor-made implementation of SuperOffice and add on software solutions in the CRM environment, business//acts has become indispensable as a reliable and performant project partner for medium-sized enterprises. Besides many SME's, more and more companies from the upper midsize market trust in technologies, experience and project expertise of the business//acts team. Wether NetCologne, abcfinance, Dr. Oetker, Landesbank Baden-Würtemberg, Fette Compacting, Friedrich Lütze, Enovos, Intrum Justitia, Sharp, and many more – the list of solved requirements for most different types of customers is long and continously growing. To understand and solve user orientedly becomes daily business of business//acts and develops to be one of the most essential USP's of the company by it's methodic organization.


'sellify', an idea ...

One of business//acts' established customers with international business has requirements to the CRM solution that cannot be implemented with SuperOffice as basis. The result is a solution developed on the basis of FormsDesigner as a completely independent technology, whose basic architecture is later developed further as flexible and industry-independent standard software - the birth of sellify.


sellify Launch

sellify is launched as an independent standard software and presented to a larger audience at CeBIT for the first time. From the very beginning, sellify has been seamlessly integrated into the Microsoft Office world, enabling interaction between sellify and common office products. Whether in the office or on the road as an offline solution: sellify supports the daily work routine with useful functions in a user-friendly design - compact, efficient and as flexible as needed. Other well-known companies quickly recognize the advantages of sellify and commission the introduction or conversion of their existing CRM solution to sellify.


The sellify product world is growing

Inspired by the multiple wishes of our customers, in addition to the further development of the basic system, modules for the synchronization of appointments and contacts between sellify and Microsoft Exchange Server as well as a TAPI-based solution for the connection to the telephone layer for outgoing calls and the recognition of incoming calls are developed.


Release of sellify 3

The number of sellify customers and users is growing rapidly. In 2017, sellify will already be used at 1600 workstations to facilitate the users' everyday work with many well thought-out functions. Spurred on not least by its above-average success, sellify is being consistently and continuously developed. As the crowning end of a successful year, business//acts releases sellify 3 in December 2017, the most comprehensive release so far.


List&Label integration and GDPR-compliant date storage

Based on our customers' feedback, we extend sellify's functionalities to include the definition and tracking of project milestones as well as the integration of List&Label as a new basic technology for providing print and PDF templates. In addition, this enables the individual design of evaluations and reports. In order to comply with the changed legal situation regarding the processing of personal data, sellify has furthermore been extended to include DSGVO-compliant data storage and process support for GDPR requests for personal data.


Mailchimp interface and new planning function

New brochures, product sheets and finally a new sellify logo now complete the overall picture of the modern and innovative software. In addition, sellify has been enhanced with useful features, such as the integration of sellify reminders into the Windows Notification Center and a mailchimp integration for executing and tracking e-marketing campaigns, as well as a planning function for sales targets and a documentation guide for preparing and following up appointments.


Document management and mobile collaboration

At the beginning of the year, due to the influence of the Corona pandemic, home office workplaces are at the center of every company's workplace design. From the beginning, sellify supports this type of collaboration optimally with the offline-capable option for mobile working, the integrated task and resubmission management and the digital filing of documents and becomes the central system for organizing daily office work for more and more companies. Read a quote about this from our customer Eggert Kleffmann und Partner in the "Customer testimonials" section.

Due to the influence of the cooperation with the multifunction device manufacturer Sharp, the sellify functions around document management are being extended more and more. With new functions such as a PDF conversion directly in sellify, a full text search for document contents or a document preview on search results, sellify also convinces as a document management system.

"sellify Easy Scan" enables the transfer of documents directly during scanning to the respective person responsible for further processing in sellify. This simplifies the distribution of incoming mail to home office and mobile workstations. An improved functionality of "sellify onTour" transfers data and documents SSL-encrypted to the devices of these users without an active VPN connection.

Last, not least, in addition to the further development of sellify in 2020, we also published a new web presence where interested parties and customers can find out about the current service portfolio of business//acts and sellify at any time and easily get in touch with us.


"The combination of home office, sellify onTour, Microsoft Teams and face-to-face in the office has become an integral part of our collaboration."

Boris Hose, Managing Director business//acts

With the move to our new office at the beginning of 2021, we have also established hybrid working for the future. There are no longer fixed offices and desks, but the existing workstations can be booked flexibly. To make booking as easy as possible for everyone, we have developed a new booking system for sellify. Via an infoboard with a floor plan of our premises, both the seats already reserved for the desired day and all available ones can be viewed and booked as a "resource" in sellify.

In April, we all saw each other "live" for the first time in a year to experience the new office together. The initially unfamiliar feeling of meeting so many colleagues at once again quickly gave way to joy at the reunion and the appealing furnishings, especially in the sellify lounge. We were accompanied on this day by Markus Schnabel, Photographer, Digital Creator and Educated Journalist.

Of course, we also pushed the further development of sellify: for example, we were able to launch the new modules "sellify Quote Configurator" and "sellify Corporate Viewer". Other features such as the group worklist, which simplifies collaborative processes for completing tasks, or evaluable documentation guides, which standardize and simplify communication with your business partners, were added.

There is also movement on our website: via our new product video as well as constantly expanded landing pages, we always inform about news and solutions for sellify and business//acts. With the chatbot you can easily ask us questions, we answer immediately!


App development and 4 sellify major releases

As we do every year, we completed four new sellify major releases in 2022 that contain a wealth of new features and add-on modules. In addition to the new features in the sellify desktop client, we worked intensively on the further development of the sellify REST interface and expanded the basis for the sellify app. Selected customers have already been able to use the sellify app as beta testers and we will be able to offer the app to all customers with an up-to-date sellify version by mid-2023. Our continued investment in developing and improving our products demonstrates our commitment to our customers and our drive to always provide them with the best possible experience.

We are particularly proud that a number of new customers have chosen sellify in the past year. Among them is Lease Perfect, a leasing broker from Dorsten, as well as ANSARES Unternehmensgruppe from Berlin, a full-service provider in the area of services for insolvency administrators. ANSARES has been won over by sellify and, starting in mid-2023, will handle its entire service portfolio, from the collection of documents from the business premises of the insolvent company, to the digitization and storage of documents, to the identification and preparation of legal action for contestable payments, completely digitally with the support of sellify. We are very excited about this collaboration!

The sellify team has fully embraced working from home. Our innovative co-working concept continues to be very popular with all team members. Hassle-free workspace booking is done through sellify and shown in a user-friendly dashboard on the website. To ensure that the team spirit of sellify is maintained, we celebrated the half-year and year-end at a cheerful garden party in summer and a hall party with Christmas food and various games in winter.


App, dashboards and projectphases

For sellify, 2023 was characterized by continuous innovation and significant progress in various areas.
One outstanding feature is the sellify dashboard, which enables our users to clearly display relevant information in a customizable graphical cockpit. Thanks to extensive filter criteria, data can be specifically selected and visualized in various display formats, such as tables, bar charts or pie charts. In addition, the sellify dashboard offers the option of directly integrating websites, enabling seamless navigation within sellify. Furthermore, the dashboard's innovative integration technology enables data from different systems, such as an ERP system, to be recorded and processed. As a result, users can not only access sellify-specific data, but also integrate relevant information from external sources into the dashboard and present it clearly.
Project management has also been significantly enhanced with a key feature for creating, implementing and evaluating workflows within projects. Project members can now book partial results in the form of activities based on phases, while project managers can keep an eye on the effort and progress per phase.
A particular highlight in 2023 was undoubtedly the launch of the long-awaited sellify app. As a practical extension to the sellify workstation, the app enables access to current information from anywhere and makes it easier to enter new data into sellify. The sellify app is available for both iOS and Android and is optimized for both cell phones and tablets. This versatility ensures that the sellify app can be used on a wide range of devices. Not only does the app give users access to all data available in sellify, but they can also access all documents archived in sellify or connected through network linking. This comprehensive functionality facilitates seamless collaboration and information sharing within the sellify ecosystem. In addition, individual customer apps can be developed based on the sellify app interface at the customer's request. These customized applications can be designed either for internal employees or specifically for customers to enable even more efficient collaboration and communication.
We look back with pride on a successful 2023 and are looking forward to the challenges and successes that await us in 2024.
Outlook for 2024:
Redesigning the sellify interface into a leaner and more modern design is just as much a focus as optimizing the sellify update process. These improvements are aimed at sustainably enhancing the user experience and enabling our customers to use our platform even more efficiently. The new interface design is also accompanied by numerous new functions for the individual configuration of interfaces and content. In future, it will be possible to store dashboards for all information objects in sellify itself, for example a performance overview for customers. In addition, individually filtered tables can be created in the tab view to expand the personalization options for administrators and users. These new functions should help our customers to adapt sellify even better to their individual needs.
In addition to these exciting developments, we are also planning to tackle the topic of AI integration in sellify next year. The integration of artificial intelligence will play a significant role in the further development of our platform. We strive to implement innovative AI technologies to enable automated processes, gain data-based insights and further increase the efficiency of our users. AI integration will not only improve sellify's performance, but also help our customers benefit from advanced analytics and automation capabilities. We look forward to taking you on this journey of digital transformation and providing you with innovative solutions for your business needs.
Many thanks to our great team, customers and partners for their support and collaboration

business//acts in figures.

  1. Specialist for 365-degree crm-software solutions

  2. More than 100 customers with long-term loyality.

  3. Hundreds of customer projects for flexible & scalable business solutions.

  4. 220m² loft-like creative space for our team.

Your contact persons


Head of Consulting | Authorized Signatory

CTO I Senior Software Developer

Senior Software Developer

Head of Operations

Senior Softwaredeveloper



Finance & Administration

Specialist IT-Operations


Our customers