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sellify FAQs

Questions and answers about sellify

Questions and answers about sellify

Here you can find the sellify faqs.

Yes, with the sellify Exchange Server Integration module participants can be automatically invited to appointments. Here you can also synchronize users, contacts and resource calendars between individual sellify users.

Yes, Office and PDF templates can be stored in sellify and released for specific user groups. When documents are created, variables stored in the templates are replaced by information from sellify. Files and documents can be archived in sellify by drag-and-drop and then retrieved from there.

Yes, sellify can be used both on premise and as a cloud solution.

Yes, in the "on premise" version all data is stored locally at the customer's premises. In the cloud solution, the data is stored in a Cologne data center operated by NetCologne.

Yes, sellify supports GDPR compliant data storage including defined retention periods and also meets the statutory requirements for responding to requests for information on personal data.


In the standard system, the system can be ready for operation within a few days; if customizing is required, the implementation period depends on the project scope.

The system is so flexible that it can be adapted to the requirements of different industries through individualization. A major advantage is the intuitive interface and user guidance. In addition, sellify's range of functions goes far beyond the scope of typical CRM systems and provides users with a digital working environment in which they can organize their entire everyday office life.

You have further questions? Contact us - we will be happy to help you!

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